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Vocal Range and Profile: Ariana Grande

Range: Eb3 - B5 - E7

Vocal Type: Light-Lyric Soprano (4 octaves and a semitone)
Vocal Rating: A-List
Recommended Listenings: Emotions, The Way

Positives: A vocal actress, being able to mimic the tones and voices of Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera and Celine Dion.

Her belts are achieved with ease, having stretched up to Bb5's successfully without issue; Grande also has no issue staying in the soprano tessitura for extended periods of time (see live performances of Break Free and Focus). Her belting register as a whole is extensive and reaches up to an impressive B5. Capable of complex, fast melismas (see Hands on Me and Problem). A rolling vibrato can be heard in belts up to G#5 and as low as Bb3.

The head voice is light and sweet, and is also where the voice finds its 'ring,' being bright and healthy up to Eb6. Her falsetto is also very bright (while being noticeably thinner).

The whistle register is piercing, and the whistles don't have disconnected tones attached to them (polyphonic tones). She is able to sing vocal runs in this register (See Emotions).

Negatives: The previously mentioned mixed belts generally lack power and the whistle register is not controlled (something she has admitted herself). Her slightly nasal and feminine tone is also polarizing. Her diction is unpolished, leaving her lyrics incomprehensible at points (see the bridge of Break Free) due to tongue tension. Grande also overactivates muscles in her jaw - mostly while singing runs - furthering this tongue tension, which in turn changes the positioning of the larynx. Intonation live has proven to be a problem at points, and the lower register sounds unsupported in most instances. 


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