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Vocal Range and Profile: Justin Bieber (Post Puberty)

Range: C3 - C#5 - E5
Exclamation: N/A
Vocal Type: Lyric Tenor (2 octaves, 2 notes)
Vocal Rating: C-List
Recommended Listenings: As Long As You Love Me

Positives: Agile voice, capable of melismas and seamless transitions from chest voice to falsetto. The head voice is light much like the rest of the voice. The lower notes are dark and heavy. His vocals always sound confident.

Negatives: Overall the voice lacks power, or any individuality. The low notes are breathy and can sound forced. The upper belts are also forced in some instances as well. The time he can spend in falsetto is limited as well.

His melismas and runs are not musical, and instead sound like attempts to match his superior mentor, Usher. Puberty has also been a problem, with voice cracks being numerous and the keys of older songs needing to be lowered.

The G#2 is way too forced and the Bb5 is not him. C3-E5

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