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Vocal Profile and Range: Christina Grimmie

Vocal Range: B2 - A5 - F#6
Vocal Type: Lyric Soprano (3 octaves, 3 notes)
Vocal Rating: A-List
Recommended Listenings: Find Me, Wrecking Ball, Must Be Love (Live)

Positives: Ability to sing complex melismas and sustain notes for extended periods of time. Beautiful, warm head voice, accompanied by a clean falsetto in the upper registers. Dark low notes that are achieved with ease and without lowering the larynx. Piercing, resonant belts that have become more evenly mixed over time (see Wrecking Ball, Find Me). Her belts have a "rock" mix to them, being slightly heady with wide vibrato that projects easily through even the heaviest instrumentation.

Negatives: A nasally twang accompanies her voice due to unconventional vocal placement. Televised performances are often not on par with her other performances. Improvised runs and phrases or more often than not messy. 


B2 - A5 - F#6

Any additional ideas or comments would be appreciated since this profile is fairly short, thanks!
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