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Vocal Range and Profile: Miley Cyrus

Vocal Range: G2 - G#5 - E6 (C7)
Vocal Type: Dark Mezzo-Soprano (3 octaves and 5 notes)
Vocal Rating: B-List
Recommended Listenings: The Climb, You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go

Positives: Insanely resonant and healthy lower register, where C3s which are usually difficult for most female singers sound like middle register notes. The lower register is achieved without lowering the larynx, and has been able to project down to G2 with relative ease. Instantly recognizable voice accompanied by her unique tone. Passages can be sung in every chest dominated range of the voice, meaning that every note is easily accessible.  Soulful rasp (see "Jolene" and "You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go) that allows genre transitions such as Pop, Rock, Country and Blues.

Negatives: Her rasp can be defined as "croaky" and unappealing. Chest belts can sound forced or uncontrolled. Her head voice is also rarely used.


G2 - D3

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