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Vocal Range and Profile: Ellie Goulding

Range: A2 - F5 - G6

Vocal Type: Light Lyric Soprano (3 Octaves, 5 notes)
Vocal Rating: C-List
Recommended Listenings: Anything Could Happen, Hanging On, Army

An incredibly unique voice that only Goulding has. The head voice is where the voice finds its best qualities; in that register the voice is nimble and able to move through complex melismas with ease, while even demonstrating operatic qualities (see Explosions and Intro (Delirium)). The notes can be plucked or connected smoothly, and demonstrate remarkable resonance. Her transitions from Chest to Head Voice and mastered with great accuracy (See Only You).

The low notes are very dark and thick, showing solid support throughout. The midrange belts are full. The voice carries a sweet and wispy timbre through out all registers, making her voice very trademarked and recognizable.

Her timbre can sound like a child's, which is not to everyones taste. The voice can be nasal, and she can be seen curling her nose while singing. Belts at higher frequencies are very thin (See the F5 in Salt Skin), coarse and forgo mixing.


Eb3 - F5 - G6

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