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Vocal Range and Profile: Rihanna

Range: Bb2 - F5 - C#6 (G7)
Longest Note: 11 seconds
Vocal Type: Light Lyric Soprano / Mezzo - Soprano (3 Octaves, 2 notes)
Vocal Rating: C-List
Recommended Listenings: Stay, Where Have You Been, What Now

Because she is from the Caribbean, her accent gives her voice a more unique timbre. Her low notes are where the voice finds it home, being dark, supported, healthy and velvety (See Love the Way You Lie Part 2 and Take Care). Her chest voice has over the years, been placed more and more correctly. The notes are now more stable and healthy. Her belts have also improved massively since Music of the Sun (See the last chorus of Diamonds). They are now more resonant and less shrill. Her head voice is full and sharp (See Fool in Love), and now mixable.

She can now hold notes for extended periods of time without wavering in pitch (See Where Have You Been). Her vibrato has become very well developed and rolling.

Her voice, especially live, becomes nasal. She also can miss notes pitch wise, and in earlier recordings be off key. Her live vocal performances are always hit or miss. Her voice has also become incredibly raspy and suggests poor mixing. Her voice has been a constant work in progress, but she has moved miles vocally from 2005 to present.


Her Bb2 and longest notes

G7 Exclamation

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